
Hair Restoration

Special Promo Pricing:
​​​​​​​Only $4-$5 per Graft

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What is Hair Restoration?

Pacific Lipo provides expert hair restoration solutions for people experiencing varying degrees of hair loss. Hair loss can result from a range of factors, such as hormonal fluctuations, stress, dietary choices, physical injuries, aging, and genetic predispositions. Fortunately, contemporary advancements in hair transplant and restoration techniques now offer people the opportunity to regain a full head of hair, rejuvenating their overall look and enhancing their attractiveness.

How does it Work?

A hair transplant procedure takes hair from one area of your head that is plentiful in hair, and relocates it to another location on your head that has missing or thinning hair. The idea is to even out the level of hair throughout the entire scalp so it doesn’t look like any hair is missing from one location.

Your hair restoration expert grafts the hair follicles into the scalp to ensure the transplanted hair looks natural and authentic. No one will be able to tell it is transplanted hair because it is actual hair from your head but relocated to another part of your head. You will never find a wig or hairpiece with the same level of visible authenticity as the hair from your head.

Every hair transplant procedure begins with a physical examination, a review of your medical history, and a complete evaluation of your hair. Since every patient has different circumstances pertaining to their health and hair loss, we want to create a custom hair restoration plan to help each patient achieve the best results possible. That means we will customize your hair restoration service to ensure all the areas with hair loss have restored hair.

You can easily schedule your appointment online,
​​​​​​​or give us a call at (858) 427-8899.

What Procedures We Offer

Direct Hair

(e.g., follicular unit transplantation, follicular unit extraction)


(supplement to enhance the strength and health of your hair)

Topical Minoxidil

(topical medication to target specific areas for hair growth)

Medicinal Prescription

(formulated to stimulate transplanted hair follicles)

Tigersquirrel27_Roya_Canvas none 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 10am - 4pm Closed,3,,, 8500 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 630
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (424) 421-2250 301 Bayview Circle, Ste 218
Newport Beach, 92600 (888) 575-8898 (858)558-8328